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Empowerment through Advocacy


Welcome to the Empowerment Advocacy Center. Here, you'll have access to a team of advocates who help individuals, regardless of their background, overcome uneasiness and apprehension navigating legal and financial matters. A LegalEASE advocate will be with you every step of the way to support the diverse, multifaceted needs of you and your loved ones. 

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What our Program Provides

Personalized Guidance

Complete a brief assessment and gain insight into life event-related stressors. Our LegalEASE advocates are here to assist you in navigating them with ease. With our personalized guidance, we work with you to remove any barriers like fears or anxieties that exist in working with legal and financial professionals. 

Empathetic Experts

LegalEASE Advocates are your first point-of-contact and have the primary goal of helping you get on the path to legal and financial empowerment.

Practical Tools & Resources

Enhance your legal and financial literacy with a range of invaluable learning resources tailored for you.

How the Empowerment Advocacy Center (EAC) Works

We understand that diving into the world of law or facing the judicial system can be intimidating. That's why we've created the EAC — a safe space to guide and support you. Our trained team of advocates, counselors, attorneys, and financial advisors are here to help you overcome any barriers. Whether you're unsure about consulting an attorney or just need clarity on financial matters, we've got your back. Let us empower you to take action confidently in your legal and financial situations.

Program Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who can benefit from the EAC?
    Anyone who feels unsure or intimidated by the legal or financial system can seek assistance from the EAC. Whether you're a first-time litigant or someone needing financial advice, we're here to help, support and guide you to a point of readiness to proceed with your legal or financial goal.
  • What's the difference between using LegalEASE's legal plans and using the EAC?
    LegalEASE's legal plans are structured offerings that provide specific legal services, often at predetermined rates or with certain benefits included. They are designed for individuals who already know they need legal assistance and are ready to pursue their legal matters. On the other hand, the EAC is designed to assist and guide individuals who might be unsure or apprehensive about engaging with the legal or financial world. The EAC offers support, advocacy, and education, helping individuals navigate and understand their options before they decide on a particular course of action.
  • If the EAC is not providing legal help like a legal plan, what sort of help can I expect to receive?
    While the EAC does not function like a traditional legal plan, it offers a holistic approach to support and guide you. When you approach the EAC, you can expect to receive advocacy, education, and empowerment tailored to your unique needs. We help demystify the legal and financial processes, providing clarity and easing apprehensions. Through our assessment, you'll gain insights into your stress levels related to legal or financial matters. You also will receive a dedicated advocate that you can always turn to for questions, clarifications, or concerns. Our trained counselors and financial advisors are on hand to provide guidance, answer questions, and help you understand your options. Think of the EAC as your personal compass, guiding you towards the best choices and resources available.
  • What kind of professionals does the EAC have on board?
    The EAC boasts a team of trained advocates, experienced attorneys, compassionate counselors, and knowledgeable financial advisors ready to assist you.
  • Is there a cost to using the EAC's services?
    This service is sponsored by your employer and there is no cost to you.
  • How do I get started with the EAC?
    To begin your journey with the EAC, first, take our online assessment. This will help gauge your stress level about undertaking legal or financial matters. After completing the assessment, provide us with your contact information and set up an online appointment. An advocate will then be ready to meet with you and guide you through the next steps tailored to your specific needs.

Meet Your LegalEASE EAC Team

Your needs are distinct, so we've brought together a multidisciplinary team to guide you every step of the way. Our goal is to ultimately match you to the professional who is right for you.

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Your primary resource, adept in providing comprehensive guidance throughout legal or financial concerns, ensuring you're never alone.

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Specialized in assisting you through the unique challenges presented by specific life events, our Counselor is your steadfast ally.

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When you need extra help in understanding your personal legal matter, our friendly attorneys can help. 

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Financial Advisors

Our financial advisors are available to prepare you for a variety of financial topics from retirement to budgeting.

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Great Outcomes for Our Members!

"I had this legal issue that had been hanging over my head for ages. Honestly, I just didn’t trust lawyers, and the whole court thing scared me. But then I met the EAC team. They really listened and eased my worries. With their guidance, I felt prepared and finally sorted out that legal mess. It's such a relief."

Samantha K., New York

"Money matters? They used to make my head spin. I didn't know where to start, and I was stressed about making a mistake. That changed when I talked to EAC’s financial advisors. They broke things down for me, made it all seem manageable. Now, I've got a clear financial plan and feel ready to tackle it head-on."

Javier M., San Francisco

Prepare for Your Empowerment Journey Today

Start the Assessment to discover how the Empowerment Advocacy Center Program can support your unique legal and financial needs. Complete the assessment now and receive instant results!

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